Every month I get a few photography magazines to read and examine. Each month I look at 90% of the photos and sneer at them with an "I could do that" attitude and then toss them out. A few of the photos are out of my league but most (I feel) are well within my range of ability.

This month I saw one of the most basic shots, "The Water Drop" in Digital SLR Photography and decided to try my hand at one of these "easy" shots.

There wasn't much to the set up: a dark paint tray, tripod, flash, macro lens, and off you go. The only problem was setting up the hanging bag where the water would drip from. After about 10 minutes of trial and error, I was able to get water to drop consistently in a single place.

After that it was timing. I have so many shots of the pan itself (too early) or just ripples (too late).

Really cool things started to happen when I anticipated the drop and was able to catch it before it flew upwards. I was excited to be able to move the flash all around the pan thanks to my pocket wizards and that gave me creative control over where the shadows would fall.

I attached a few different colored gels on the flash to get different looks, and after I was done I looked back at the original article in the magazine with a feeling that I did a pretty good job overall. This should be the start of a new habit of mine... trying to replicate shots I admire and like.