Sunday, January 3, 2010

Baby photos for Christmas

Baby time... My friends were out from Toronto for the holidays with a new addition to their family. Amelia was born in July and so the proud parents wanted to get some photos done for their family in time for Christmas. I did the shoot at my parent's place as they have more room than I do and my mom loves having a baby in the house. (I think she has given up long ago on my chances of adding to the human race!)

We set up a white backdrop in a spare room and then set up lights so that we had about a +1/3EV on all exposures. A few pillows and a white blanket and we were ready to take some photos. Amelia was a super baby and kept herself composed for the majority of the shoot. Perhaps it was the big camera, or the idiot behind it making clicking noises, but she saw that lens and stared right into it. Great!

Did she throw up during her shoot? You bet. Right on cue too. "Oh! Perfect! Hold it right there!" "Bleeecch". Lovely. But how can you not keep smiling at a face like that!?

Amelia (like any great entertainer) needs to have a few clothing changes. Once we had her in her purple outfit, we found a small problem as her attention was almost totally taken by her new tights. We were all saying her name but she simply focused on the new dots that were running all over her toes and legs. Luckily we got a great photo of the family before she started to look down again.

Total time: 1.5 hours. Two feedings, not much crying, and hopefully the grandparents like their new photos of a smiling granddaughter. Who wouldn't?

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