Whenever I travel, I tend to bring along my usual gear. One DSLR body, a 50mm standard, a wide-angle, and my zoom. A flash and a reflector might come in handy, and I like to keep a fish-eye lens just in case. Of course this means that I am carrying around a bulky bag, and going out to dinner with friends makes me look like a pack mule. All this to say I have been wanting a pocket camera for years.
The G-series cameras from Canon have always been the one to get. They give you RAW format, they give you a hotshoe, and they give you full manual control. Thing is, they are huge. Try putting one in your pocket, and you will soon find out it isn't a pocket camera, it's an "around your neck" camera.
When I was looking at the new G12, people kept posting about the S90 and how great a camera it was. With the new S95 out in November of 2010, I went to the camera shop to see for myself. I bought it the same day. It has the same sensor as the G12, the same RAW format, and the same manual controls. No hotshoe.. but who cares!? When have you put a 580EXII on a G12? The flash is twice the size of the camera. I would use my DSLR for that.

Nov 3rd, and I'm off to Vancouver to see Gorillaz. I spent the day taking photos around town, and the S95 showed off why it's such a great camera. Colors are great, and the AF was sharp and quick. You can control the exposure with a dial, and with it shooting RAW you can always change your mind later. So, daytime shooting was a snap. Next?

Concerts. The S95 looks like a tiny camera, and as you can fit it in your pocket, security doesn't think it's a threat (my friends left their G series behind for fear it wouldn't be let in). Inside the camera worked beautifully. I shot the entire concert, used the video setting for a few songs and recorded in HD at 720p. Great results again.

After the concert, we went out for a bike ride, and I slipped the camera back in my pocket. It's a small camera but what great features. Highly recommended to anyone.