I finally bit the bullet and laid my credit card on the table for a Canon 300mm 2.8 lens. I wasn't planning on getting it, dreaming always, but never planning. Spending a large sum of money is always hard for me to do, but I figured it was a "perfect storm" in financial terms and I couldn't pass this opportunity up.

A lot of my friends and family have all asked the same question: "what can this lens do that your other lenses can't?" Good question. It's a long lens, so I can shoot sports, wildlife, etc. It's an extremely sharp lens with a great auto focus so it's fast in comparison to my other lenses. But overall, it's simply having it that means everything to me.

When I was at school, I borrowed the 300mm every time I could. When I worked at the Calgary Herald, I dipped into their selection of 300s at events and assignments and really got used to carrying such a large lens. I loved the feeling of walking into a place with a huge lens on your shoulder and people "ohh-ing" as you walked by.

I think I can blame this purchase squarely on the coach of a football team I was shooting at McMahon Stadium. As I was walking down the sideline following the game, he said "Look at the size of that lens". It may not have been my lens at the time, but at that moment, I was hooked.